I am confused on how to do this ? !

Jeff is a salesperson in a retail store and earns $52 per week plus 13% of his weekly sales. If Jeff made
$312 one week, what were his sales that week?

312 - 52 = 260

0.13x = 260

Solve for x

To determine Jeff's sales for the week, we need to set up a proportion using the information given. Let's break it down:

1. Jeff earns $52 per week plus 13% of his weekly sales.
2. In the given week, Jeff earned $312.

Now, we can set up the proportion:

Sales / $312 = 13% / 100%

To solve for Sales, we can cross-multiply and solve for the unknown variable.

Sales = ($312 * 13%) / (100%)

To calculate this using simple arithmetic:

Sales = ($312 * 0.13) / 1

Sales = $40.56

Therefore, Jeff's sales for that week were approximately $40.56.