jenna lives 4 3/10 miles from school. She estimates that she travels 4x2x5 or 40 miles each week. Is her estimate an overestimate or an underestimate?


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To determine whether Jenna's estimate is an overestimate or an underestimate, we need to compare her estimate of 40 miles with the actual distance she travels in a week.

Jenna lives 4 3/10 miles from school, which we can write as a mixed number or a decimal. To make it easier for comparison, let's convert it to a decimal.

4 3/10 miles = 4 + 3/10 = 4.3 miles

Now, if Jenna travels to and from school every day for a week, we can calculate the actual distance she travels by multiplying her daily distance by the number of school days in a week.

Assuming she attends school 5 days a week, the actual distance is:
4.3 miles x 2 (round-trip) x 5 (school days) = 43 miles

Comparing Jenna's estimate of 40 miles with the actual distance of 43 miles, we can see that her estimate is an underestimate. She expected to travel 40 miles, but in reality, she travels 43 miles.