which of the following is a function of DNA

1)controlling the production of proteins in the cell
2)breaking down proteins in the cell
3)producing energy from food molecules inside the cell
4)controlling substances that enter and leave the cell
5)joining adenine with thymine and cytosine with guanine
I put #1


Correct! Controlling the production of proteins in the cell is indeed one of the main functions of DNA. To arrive at this conclusion, we can analyze each option:

1) Controlling the production of proteins in the cell: This is accurate. DNA contains the instructions for building proteins through a process called protein synthesis.

2) Breaking down proteins in the cell: This is not accurate. The breakdown of proteins is primarily carried out by enzymes, not DNA.

3) Producing energy from food molecules inside the cell: This is not accurate. The production of energy from food molecules occurs through cellular respiration, which involves other cellular components such as mitochondria, not DNA.

4) Controlling substances that enter and leave the cell: This is not accurate. The control of substances entering and leaving the cell is primarily regulated by the cell membrane, not DNA.

5) Joining adenine with thymine and cytosine with guanine: This is not accurate. This describes base pairing in DNA, which is how the nucleotides are paired, but it is not a function of DNA.

By analyzing each option, we can see that option #1, controlling the production of proteins in the cell, is the most accurate function of DNA.