Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

A.Greg’s family adopted a young active puppy.
B.Lisa filmed two, dramatic movies this year.
C.Meg heard there is an unusual, exciting show tonight.
I think it is A or C...leaning towards A?

ooops duplicate..

A youngactive puppy?

To determine which sentence is punctuated correctly, let's analyze each option:

A. "Greg's family adopted a young active puppy."

This sentence is punctuated correctly. It uses an apostrophe to show possession for the name "Greg." The comma is not necessary in this sentence.

B. "Lisa filmed two, dramatic movies this year."

This sentence is not punctuated correctly. There is a comma before the word "dramatic" that should be removed. The correct punctuation would be: "Lisa filmed two dramatic movies this year."

C. "Meg heard there is an unusual, exciting show tonight."

This sentence is not punctuated correctly. Similar to the previous sentence, there is a comma that should be removed, in this case before the word "exciting." The correct punctuation would be: "Meg heard there is an unusual exciting show tonight."

Therefore, option A, "Greg's family adopted a young active puppy," is the correct sentence with proper punctuation.