Hello. Please help me with a few questions.

1)Do you think it's possible to use "as expected" in reference to the future, for example: "As expected, they will arrive next week"?
2)Do you think the word combination "to gain a historic triumph over someone" sounds natural?
Thank you very much for all your help.

1) sounds okay

2) doesn't sound natural

1 would probably sound better like this: We expect they will arrive next week.

2 sounds rather stilted! It would depend on the context, though.

As expected refers to the past generally, so it sounds odd as you used it. It made me imagine "they" were worrying about unlikely complications that the "expector" saw were frivolous. Context is everything.

Hello! I'll be happy to help you with your questions.

1) Yes, it is possible to use "as expected" in reference to the future. However, it is important to note that the phrase "as expected" typically implies that something is happening or will happen in line with what was predicted or anticipated. So, in your example sentence, "As expected, they will arrive next week," it suggests that the arrival of "they" aligns with a previous expectation or plan.

To determine whether it is appropriate to use "as expected" in reference to the future, consider if there is a relevant context or prior information that establishes the expectation. If there is, then using "as expected" can convey that the arriving next week was already foreseen.

2) The word combination "to gain a historic triumph over someone" does sound natural and grammatically correct. It implies achieving a significant victory or success over another person in a manner that is considered historic or noteworthy.

To determine if it fits the specific context you intend to use it in, consider the tone and formality of your writing or speech. If you are aiming for a more formal or grandiose style, using "to gain a historic triumph over someone" can be fitting. If you are aiming for a more casual or everyday language, you may consider simpler and more straightforward phrasing.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.