Which of the following is not an example of a science?






To determine which of the options is not an example of a science, we need to understand what the term "science" means. Science is a systematic and organized approach to understanding the natural world through observation, experimentation, and the formulation of testable explanations. It relies on evidence and aims to explain natural phenomena.

Now let's analyze each of the options:

1. Geology: Geology is the scientific study of the Earth, including rocks, minerals, and the processes that shape the Earth's surface. Geologists use the scientific method to investigate and explain various geological phenomena. Therefore, geology is an example of a science.

2. Astronomy: Astronomy is the scientific study of celestial objects, such as stars, planets, and galaxies. Astronomers use observation and experimentation to understand the universe and its various components. Hence, astronomy is also an example of a science.

3. Astrology: Astrology is often confused with astronomy, but it is fundamentally different. Astrology is a belief system that asserts a connection between the positions of celestial bodies and human affairs. Its claims are not based on scientific evidence, and it does not employ the scientific method. Therefore, astrology is not considered a science.

4. Ecology: Ecology is the scientific study of the relationships between organisms and their environment. Ecologists examine the interactions of living organisms with each other and with the non-living components of their ecosystems. Like geology and astronomy, ecology is an example of a science.

Therefore, the option "astrology" is not an example of a science.