What, according to the Basic Conditions of employment Act applies with regard to the contraventions that you've identified?

What contraventions have you identified?

When a person works overtime she/he must be paid for the extra time she worked for

To determine what applies with regard to the contraventions identified under the Basic Conditions of Employment Act, you will need to refer to the act itself. Here's how you can do it:

1. Visit the official South African government website: Start by visiting the official South African government website at www.gov.za.

2. Navigate to Legislation: Look for the "Legislation" or "Laws" section on the website. It is usually located in the top or bottom navigation menu.

3. Find the Basic Conditions of Employment Act: Once you are in the Legislation section, search for the Basic Conditions of Employment Act. This act sets out the basic rights and obligations of both employers and employees in South Africa.

4. Access the Act: Click on the link or button to access the Basic Conditions of Employment Act. This will usually lead you to a page where you can view and download the full text of the act.

5. Locate the relevant section: In the act, look for the section that specifically addresses contraventions and enforcement. This section should outline the consequences and procedures for dealing with contraventions identified under the act.

6. Read and analyze the applicable provisions: Carefully read and analyze the provisions mentioned in the relevant section of the act. These provisions will explain what applies in the case of contraventions, including any penalties, fines, or remedies for affected parties.

By following these steps and referring to the Basic Conditions of Employment Act, you should be able to find the specific provisions that apply to the contraventions you've identified and gain a better understanding of the legal requirements and consequences in such cases.