
To simplify the given expression, let's break it down step by step:

1. Start by simplifying the innermost parentheses first. We have:
{2z - (2y - 3y - 3x - 5z)}

Combine like terms inside the parentheses:
{2z - (-y - 3x - 3z)}

Simplify further by distributing the negative sign:
{2z + y + 3x + 3z}

Combine like terms again:
{5z + y + 3x}

2. Now we move on to the brackets:
3(x - 2y) = 3x - 6y

3. Substitute the simplified expression from step 1 into the brackets:
-2[3x - 6y + 5z + y + 3x]

4. Distribute the -2 to all terms inside the brackets:
-2(3x) + 2(6y) - 2(5z) - 2(y) - 2(3x)

Simplify each term:
-6x + 12y - 10z - 2y - 6x

5. Combine like terms:
-6x - 6x + 12y - 2y - 10z

6. Finally, combine like terms once more:
-12x + 10y - 10z

Therefore, the simplified expression is -12x + 10y - 10z.

I assume you want to simplify.

Get rid of internal parentheses first, remembering that a negative times a positive is a negative and a negative times a negative is a positive.

7z-2[3(x-2y)-4{2z-(2y-3y-3x-5z)}] =

7z-2[3x-6y-4(2z-2y+3y+3x+5z)] =

7z-2(3x-6y-8z+8y-12y-12x+20z) =

7z-6x+12y+16z-16y+24y+24x-40z =

Combine like terms.