wendy is making two different recipes for nut bread. One recipe call for 1/8 cup of nuts the other call for 3/4 cup of nuts. How many cups of nuts will wendy need in all?

1/8 + 6/8 = 7/8

To find out how many cups of nuts Wendy will need in total, we need to add the quantities required in both recipes.

The first recipe calls for 1/8 cup of nuts, and the second recipe calls for 3/4 cup of nuts. To add these fractions together, we need to find a common denominator.

The common denominator of 8 and 4 is 8. We should express both fractions with this denominator.

1/8 cup can be expressed as 1/8 * 1/1 = 1/8 cup
3/4 cup can be expressed as 6/8 * 1/1 = 6/8 cup

Now we can add these fractions:
1/8 cup + 6/8 cup = 7/8 cup

Therefore, Wendy will need a total of 7/8 cup of nuts for both recipes.