assume that 44.3g Na2O are formed during the inflation of an air bag.How many liters of CO2-density=1.35g/L are needed to completely react with the Na2O?Explain

This reaction is unknown to me. Air bags typically are formed with N2 as the active gas. Do you have the reaction?

This is the entire essay question that was presented to me as an assignment.

It just asks how many liters of CO2(density=1.35g/L)are needed to completely react with the Na2O.
I can'y find help anywhere whis this question

Then I will assume that we are talking about Na2O + CO2 ==> Na2CO3 although I understand that airbags have KNO3 and SiO2 in order to react with the Na2O produced to produce products other than Na2CO3.

mols Na2O = 44.3 grams/molar mass = ?
Mols CO2 = mols Na2O
g CO2 = mols CO2 x molar mass CO2
volume CO2 = mass CO2/density CO2.

To determine the number of liters of CO2 needed to react with 44.3g of Na2O, we first need to set up a balanced chemical equation for the reaction between Na2O and CO2.

The balanced chemical equation for the reaction is:
Na2O + CO2 -> Na2CO3

From the balanced equation, we can see that 1 mole of Na2O reacts with 1 mole of CO2 to form 1 mole of Na2CO3.

To convert the given mass of Na2O to moles, we need to use the molar mass of Na2O.

The molar mass of Na2O = (22.99 g/mol * 2) + 16.00 g/mol = 61.99 g/mol

Now, calculate the number of moles of Na2O:
Moles of Na2O = mass of Na2O / molar mass of Na2O
= 44.3 g / 61.99 g/mol
≈ 0.71 mol

Since the balanced equation shows that 1 mole of Na2O reacts with 1 mole of CO2, we can conclude that 0.71 moles of CO2 are needed to react with 0.71 moles of Na2O.

Finally, to convert moles of CO2 to liters, we can use the density of CO2.

The given density of CO2 is 1.35 g/L. This means that 1 liter of CO2 has a mass of 1.35 grams.

Now, use the molar mass of CO2 to convert the mass of CO2 to moles:

Molar mass of CO2 = (12.01 g/mol * 1) + (16.00 g/mol * 2)
= 44.01g/mol

Number of moles of CO2 = mass of CO2 / molar mass of CO2
= 0.71 mol

To find the volume of CO2 in liters, use the relationship:

Volume of CO2 (in liters) = Number of moles of CO2 / density of CO2
= 0.71 mol / 1.35 g/L
≈ 0.527 L

Therefore, approximately 0.527 liters of CO2 are needed to completely react with 44.3g of Na2O.