a program to sort three values (from smallest to largest) entered from the keyboard.

1. INPUT a,b and c
2. If a greater than b
If a greater than c
If b greater than c
The order is a, b, c
The order is a, c, b


How will i code this?

To code a program that sorts three values from smallest to largest entered from the keyboard, you can use the following algorithm:

1. Accept input for variables a, b, and c from the user.

2. Start with an if statement to compare a and b. If a is greater than b, enter the block.

3. Within the block, use another if statement to compare a and c. If a is greater than c, enter the nested block.

4. Within the nested block, use another if statement to compare b and c. If b is greater than c, enter the nested nested block. This means the order is a, b, c.

5. Within the nested nested block, print the order as a, b, c.

6. If the condition in step 4 is not met, enter the else block. This means the order is a, c, b.

7. Within the else block, print the order as a, c, b.

8. If the condition in step 3 is not met, enter the else block. This means a is not greater than c.

9. Within the else block, print the order as c, a, b.

10. If the condition in step 2 is not met, enter the else block. This means a is not greater than b.

11. Within the else block, use an if statement to compare b and c. If b is greater than c, enter the nested block.

12. Within the nested block, print the order as b, c, a.

13. If the condition in step 11 is not met, enter the else block. This means the order is c, b, a.

Here's an example of how the code could be written in Python:

a = int(input("Enter the first value: "))
b = int(input("Enter the second value: "))
c = int(input("Enter the third value: "))

if a > b:
if a > c:
if b > c:
print("The order is:", a, b, c)
print("The order is:", a, c, b)
print("The order is:", c, a, b)
if b > c:
print("The order is:", b, c, a)
print("The order is:", c, b, a)

This code will prompt the user to enter three values, and then it will sort and print them in ascending order.