What can oil be turned into by the refining process?


It can be turned into gasoline and plastic?


Also -- crayons, plastics, heating oil, jet fuel, kerosene, synthetic fibers and tires.­

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Oil can be turned into various products through the refining process. This process involves separating the different components of crude oil based on their molecular structure and physical properties. Here are some common products obtained from the refining process:

1. Gasoline: The most common product derived from oil refining is gasoline, also known as petrol. Gasoline is used as fuel in vehicles and provides energy for combustion engines.

2. Diesel: Diesel fuel is another important product obtained from refining crude oil. It is commonly used as fuel for diesel engines, such as trucks, buses, and certain cars.

3. Jet fuel: Refining also produces jet fuel, specifically designed for use in aircraft engines. Jet fuel provides the energy needed for jet propulsion and is crucial for aviation.

4. Heating oil: Heating oil, also known as fuel oil or furnace oil, is a product used for heating homes and buildings. It is less refined than gasoline or diesel and has a higher viscosity.

5. Lubricants: Oil refining can generate lubricants, which are used to reduce friction and ensure smooth operation in engines, machinery, and vehicles. Lubricants include motor oil, greases, and industrial oils.

6. Petrochemicals: The refining process can produce various petrochemicals, including ethylene, propylene, benzene, and xylene. These substances serve as building blocks for the manufacture of plastics, synthetic fibers, solvents, and other chemical products.

It's important to note that the specific products obtained from oil refining can vary depending on the type of crude oil and the refinery's capabilities.