3. In order to try to gain control over West Berlin, the Soviet Union

*A.) set up a total blockade cutting off that section of the city.

B.) threatened the section of the city with troops and tanks.

C.) operated a massive airlift to bring in needed supplies.

*D.) went to the United Nations and demanded control of that section of the city.

4. In China’s civil war, the United States backed

*A.) the Communists, led by Jiang Jieshi.

B.) the Communists, led by Mao Zedong.

C.) the Nationalists, led by Mao Zedong.

D.) the Nationalists, led by Jiang Jieshi.

5. How did the American public view General MacArthur after President Truman fired him?

*A.) They still saw him as a hero.

B.) They thought he was a traitor.

C.) They were angry that he had miscalculated in the war.

D.) They thought he was too old to still be on active duty.

6. After President Eisenhower withdrew his offer to fund the Aswan Dam, Egyptian President Nasser

A.) turned to the Soviet Union for the money.

B.) nationalized the Suez Canal.

*C.) attacked the United States.

D.) closed the Suez Canal.

7. Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were charged, convicted, and executed specifically for

A.) being members of the communist party.

*B.) violating the Smith Act.

C.) passing secrets about nuclear science to the Soviets.

D.) being subversive and disloyal Americans.

I have no idea if I got these right.

Thank you very much

3. Is your answer A or D?

4, Wrong

5. Right

6. Wrong

7. Wrong

3.) D Thank You

3 is not D.

20% correct indicates that you have not read your assignments.

Is it A?

Yes, 3 is A.

thank you...

You're welcome! Let's go through each question and explain how to find the correct answer:

3. In order to try to gain control over West Berlin, the Soviet Union
To answer this question, you need to know about the events surrounding the Berlin Blockade. The correct answer is A.) set up a total blockade cutting off that section of the city. This is because in 1948, the Soviet Union blockaded all land and water routes to West Berlin in an attempt to force the Western Allies to abandon the city.

4. In China’s civil war, the United States backed
To answer this question, you need to have knowledge of the Chinese Civil War and the involvement of the United States. The correct answer is D.) the Nationalists, led by Jiang Jieshi. The United States supported the Nationalist Party, also known as the Kuomintang, led by Jiang Jieshi (Chiang Kai-shek), in their fight against the Communist Party, led by Mao Zedong.

5. How did the American public view General MacArthur after President Truman fired him?
To answer this question, you need to consider the public opinion toward General Douglas MacArthur following his dismissal by President Truman during the Korean War. The correct answer is A.) They still saw him as a hero. Despite the controversy surrounding his dismissal, many Americans continued to view MacArthur as a heroic figure due to his previous military successes.

6. After President Eisenhower withdrew his offer to fund the Aswan Dam, Egyptian President Nasser
To answer this question, you need to be aware of the events involving President Eisenhower, the Aswan Dam project, and Egyptian President Nasser. The correct answer is B.) nationalized the Suez Canal. After the United States withdrew its financial support for the Aswan Dam project in 1956, Egyptian President Nasser responded by nationalizing the Suez Canal, which led to the Suez Crisis.

7. Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were charged, convicted, and executed specifically for
To answer this question, you need to know about the Rosenbergs' case and the charges against them. The correct answer is C.) passing secrets about nuclear science to the Soviets. Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were convicted and executed in 1953 for their involvement in espionage activities, specifically for passing classified information about nuclear weapons technology to the Soviet Union.

I hope this helps clarify the correct answers for you!