Joshua has 3 yards of ribbon. He needs 1/4 yard to make 1 bow. How many bows can Joshua make? Break down problem.

3 / (1/4) = 3 * (4/1) = 12




To solve this problem, we need to divide the total length of ribbon Joshua has by the amount of ribbon needed for each bow.

First, we need to convert the fraction 1/4 into a decimal. By dividing 1 by 4, we get 0.25.

Next, we divide the total length of ribbon Joshua has, which is 3 yards, by the amount of ribbon needed for each bow, which is 0.25 yards.

Dividing 3 by 0.25 gives us 12 bows.

Therefore, Joshua can make 12 bows with the 3 yards of ribbon he has.