
Which of the following describes the underlined part of this sentence from "LAFFF"?

In spite of all I could do, my grades were nothing compared to Peter's.
(1 point)

simple sentence
compound sentence
independent clause
dependent clause

Which of the following describes the underlined part of the sentence?

I won't be able to work on this before Saturday.
(1 point)

prepositional phrase
object of the preposition
verbal phrase

What do you think is a reason (others than the ones given) why kids use spellings like"G2g"? (1 point)

They're trying to imitate rappers who spell using numbers.
They don't want adults to understand what they're saying to their friends.
They never learned how to spell properly.
Many of them don't own a dictionary.

My answers:
5. dependent clause
6. object of the preposition
10. They don't want adults to understand what they're saying to their friends.

Please put the underlined words in all capital letters.

Also -- what is LAFFF?

oops sorry!

Which of the following describes the underlined part of this sentence from "LAFFF"?

IN SPITE OF ALL I COULD DO, my grades were nothing compared to Peter's.
(1 point)

simple sentence
compound sentence
independent clause
dependent clause

Which of the following describes the underlined part of the sentence?

I won't be able to work on this before SATURDAY.
(1 point)

prepositional phrase
object of the preposition
verbal phrase

** LAFFF was a short story we read :-)

I agree with your answers. :-)

5. To determine the answer for this question, we need to identify the underlined part of the sentence. In the sentence, "In spite of all I could do, my grades were nothing compared to Peter's," the underlined part is "In spite of all I could do."

The underlined part is a dependent clause because it cannot stand alone as a complete sentence. It relies on the rest of the sentence for meaning and is subordinate to the main clause that follows it.

Therefore, the correct answer is "dependent clause."

6. Again, let's identify the underlined part of the sentence: "I won't be able to work on this before Saturday." The underlined part is "before Saturday."

This is a prepositional phrase because it starts with the preposition "before" and includes the object "Saturday."

Therefore, the correct answer is "prepositional phrase."

10. In this question, you provided options as possible reasons why kids use spellings like "G2g." However, the question asks for a reason other than the ones given.

Based on the options provided, it seems like "They don't want adults to understand what they're saying to their friends" is the best answer that aligns with the question. It suggests that kids use alternative spellings to communicate in a way that may not be easily understood by adults.

Therefore, your answer of "They don't want adults to understand what they're saying to their friends" is correct.