Which of the following is NOT true of bacteria?

a. Bacteria change the sugar in milk to lactic acid.
b. Bacteria change nitrogen into a form plants can use.
c. Bacteria change harmful chemicals into harmless ones.
d. Bacteria change oxygen into nitrogen.

a. Bacteria change the sugar in milk to lactic acid. Is true Fermentation.

b. Bacteria change nitrogen into a form plants can use. True nitrogen fixation
c. Bacteria change harmful chemicals into harmless ones. True Bioremediation
d. Bacteria change oxygen into nitrogen. True nitrogen fixation

so what then? because these are the only answers on my test



D is not nitrogen fixation, but the nitrogen cycle. You may have to email your teacher, but google each one and double check what I told you. However, if I had to pick one, I would pick c, because when bacteria are used form bioremedation, they are engineered or bread to do this, but they can be used to turn harmful chemicals into harmless ones, so it is true.

I halfway read the question. The answer would be D. They combine oxygen with nitrogen to make NO, but they do not turn it into N from O.

I apologize

To determine which of the statements is NOT true of bacteria, let's examine each option and evaluate it.

a. Bacteria change the sugar in milk to lactic acid.
This statement is true. Bacteria, especially certain types of bacteria like Lactobacillus, can convert lactose, a sugar found in milk, into lactic acid through a process called fermentation.

b. Bacteria change nitrogen into a form plants can use.
This statement is true. Nitrogen fixation is a vital process carried out by certain bacteria, such as Rhizobium, that convert atmospheric nitrogen into a form of nitrogen that plants can utilize, such as ammonia or nitrates.

c. Bacteria change harmful chemicals into harmless ones.
This statement is true. Bacteria have the capability to degrade or break down harmful chemicals in their environment into less toxic or harmless substances. This process, often referred to as bioremediation, is widely used to treat contaminated areas.

d. Bacteria change oxygen into nitrogen.
This statement is NOT true of bacteria. Bacteria do not possess the ability to convert oxygen into nitrogen. Nitrogen is primarily converted by certain bacteria through processes like nitrogen fixation, denitrification, and ammonification, but oxygen and nitrogen are distinct elements and cannot be directly converted into each other.

Therefore, the statement that is NOT true of bacteria is option d. Bacteria do not change oxygen into nitrogen.