



8 - x = 38

x = -30

I'll be glad to check your answer for the second problem.


-3 -3
15c-5c= 45
+5 +5
15c = 45



15c - 5c + 3 = 43

10c = 43 - 3

10c = 40

c = 4

To solve these equations, we'll follow a step-by-step approach for each equation:

1. Solve the first equation: 20 - (12 - x) = 38

To simplify the equation, let's remove the parentheses first:

20 - 12 + x = 38

Next, combine like terms:

8 + x = 38

Now, isolate the variable x by subtracting 8 from both sides:

x = 38 - 8

x = 30

Therefore, the solution to the first equation is x = 30.

2. Solve the second equation: 5(3c - c) + 3 = 43

Start by simplifying within the parentheses:

5(2c) + 3 = 43

Next, distribute the 5 to each term within the parentheses:

10c + 3 = 43

Now, isolate the variable c by subtracting 3 from both sides:

10c = 43 - 3

10c = 40

Finally, divide both sides by 10 to solve for c:

c = 40 / 10

c = 4

Therefore, the solution to the second equation is c = 4.