a baker made 100 dozen cookies she sold 3/5 of them before noon how many dozen were sold before noon

3/5 * 100 = 300/5 = 60 dozen

100/1 * 3/5 = 300/5 = 60. 60 dozen cookies were sold before noon.

To find out how many dozen cookies were sold before noon, you will need to use the given information.

First, calculate the total number of cookies the baker made.
100 dozen cookies means there are 100 x 12 = 1200 cookies in total.

Next, determine how many cookies were sold before noon.
The baker sold 3/5 of the total cookies before noon. To find out the quantity, multiply 3/5 by the total number of cookies:
(3/5) x 1200 = 720 cookies were sold before noon.

Since one dozen consists of 12 cookies, you can divide the number of cookies sold before noon by 12 to find out how many dozen were sold:
720 cookies / 12 = 60 dozen cookies were sold before noon.