The ammonia molecule has a dipole moment of . Ammonia molecules in the gas phase are placed in a uniform electric field with magnitude 1.1×106 .

What is the change in electric potential energy when the dipole moment of a molecule changes its orientation with respect to from parallel to perpendicular?

To calculate the change in electric potential energy when the dipole moment of a molecule changes its orientation from parallel to perpendicular with respect to an electric field, we can use the formula:

ΔPE = -ΔU = -E * Δd * cos(θ)

ΔPE = Change in electric potential energy
-ΔU = Change in the potential energy of the dipole (The negative sign indicates that the energy is decreasing)
E = Electric field strength
Δd = Change in the dipole moment magnitude
θ = Angle between the dipole moment and the electric field direction

In this case, the given parameters are:
E = 1.1×10^6 N/C (electric field magnitude)
Δd = ? (Change in dipole moment magnitude)
θ = 90 degrees (angle between the dipole and electric field when it changes from parallel to perpendicular)

To find the change in dipole moment magnitude, we need the initial and final dipole moment magnitudes. However, this value is not provided in the question.

Therefore, without knowing the initial and final dipole moment magnitudes, we cannot determine the change in electric potential energy explicitly. However, you can follow these steps to calculate the change in electric potential energy once you have the required information:

1. Determine the initial and final dipole moment magnitudes.
2. Calculate the difference in dipole moment magnitude (Δd) = (Final dipole moment magnitude) - (Initial dipole moment magnitude).
3. Substitute the known values (E, Δd, and θ) into the formula ΔPE = -E * Δd * cos(θ) to calculate the change in electric potential energy.

Remember, the electrical potential energy is negative when the dipole moment aligns with the electric field and positive when it is perpendicular.