compare the graphs of the inverse variations by comparing asymptotes, similar points, lines of reflections and quadrants

y=-0.7/x and y=-0.9/x

Steve can you explain this problem

How owuld you answer this question I know they are in different quadrants but look the same in opposite directions

To compare the graphs of inverse variations represented by the equations y = -0.7/x and y = -0.9/x, we can examine their asymptotes, similar points, lines of reflection, and quadrants.

For inverse variation equations of the form y = k/x, where k is a constant, the vertical asymptote is the line x = 0, and the horizontal asymptote is the line y = 0. In both equations y = -0.7/x and y = -0.9/x, the vertical asymptote is x = 0, and the horizontal asymptote is y = 0.

Similar Points:
To find similar points, we can choose different x-values and calculate their corresponding y-values. Let's calculate the values for some x-values:

For y = -0.7/x:
When x = 1, y = -0.7/1 = -0.7
When x = 2, y = -0.7/2 = -0.35
When x = 3, y = -0.7/3 ≈ -0.233

For y = -0.9/x:
When x = 1, y = -0.9/1 = -0.9
When x = 2, y = -0.9/2 = -0.45
When x = 3, y = -0.9/3 ≈ -0.3

From these calculations, we can see that for the same x-values, the graphs of the two equations have different y-values, indicating that the graphs are not identical.

Lines of Reflection:
The graphs of inverse variations are symmetric with respect to the lines y = x and y = -x. If we swap the x and y variables in the inverse variation equations, we can obtain equations representing the reflection of the original graph.

For y = -0.7/x, swapping x and y gives x = -0.7/y. We can rewrite this equation as y = -0.7/x, revealing that the graph of y = -0.7/x is its own reflection.

For y = -0.9/x, swapping x and y gives x = -0.9/y. We can rewrite this equation as y = -0.9/x, showing that the graph of y = -0.9/x is also its own reflection.

Therefore, both equations have lines of reflection that coincide with the original graphs.

To determine the quadrants of the graphs, we need to consider the signs of x and y.

For y = -0.7/x, when x is positive, y is negative, and vice versa. So, the graph of this equation will lie in the 2nd and 4th quadrants.

For y = -0.9/x, when x is positive, y is negative, and vice versa. So, the graph of this equation will also lie in the 2nd and 4th quadrants.

In summary, the graphs of y = -0.7/x and y = -0.9/x have the same asymptotes (x = 0 and y = 0), different y-values for the same x-values, lines of reflection that coincide with their original graphs, and they both lie in the 2nd and 4th quadrants.