3. Among members of George Washington's cabinet, __________ had a pessimistic view of human nature and a dread of democratic excess.

A. Hamilton
B. Adams
C. Jefferson
D. Marshall


Hamilton is the answer

To determine which member of George Washington's cabinet had a pessimistic view of human nature and a dread of democratic excess, we need to learn about each member's beliefs and attitudes.

A. Alexander Hamilton: Hamilton was known for his support of a strong central government and his belief in the importance of an economic elite. He did not necessarily have a pessimistic view of human nature or a dread of democratic excess.

B. John Adams: Adams served as Vice President under George Washington. He believed that a strong central government was necessary to prevent anarchy but also had concerns about tyranny. However, there is no clear evidence to suggest that Adams had a pessimistic view of human nature or a dread of democratic excess.

C. Thomas Jefferson: Jefferson, known for writing the Declaration of Independence, advocated for limited government power and individual liberties. He had a more optimistic view of human nature and believed in the potential of democratic self-government. So, Jefferson is not the correct answer.

D. John Marshall: Marshall served as the Chief Justice of the United States during George Washington's presidency. He was known for his opinions that strengthened the power of the federal government and the Supreme Court. While his views may have leaned more toward a distrust of the common people, there is not enough evidence to definitively say that Marshall had a pessimistic view of human nature or a dread of democratic excess.

Taking all this into consideration, the correct answer would be B. Adams, as he had concerns about the potential for tyranny in a strong central government, suggesting a certain level of pessimism about human nature and the potential for democratic excess.