A map indicates that two cities are 160 miles apart. The scale of the map is 1/2 inch= 20 miles.

1. how many inches apart are the cities on the map.
2. Another map show the two cities has a scale of 3/4 inch =20 miles. How many inches apart are the two cities in the map?

160/20 = 8

8 * 1/2 = 4 inches

I'll be glad to check your answer to # 2.

Thks Ms. Sue the answer for the second part is 6 inches.


To answer these questions, we'll use the given scales of the maps.

1. The scale of the first map is "1/2 inch = 20 miles." We need to determine how many inches apart the cities are on this map.
The ratio of inches to miles is: 1/2 inch = 20 miles.
To find how many inches represent 160 miles, we can set up a proportion:

(1/2 inch) / (20 miles) = X inches / (160 miles)

Cross multiplying, we get:
20X = (1/2) * 160
20X = 80
X = 80 / 20
X = 4

Therefore, the two cities are 4 inches apart on the first map.

2. The scale of the second map is "3/4 inch = 20 miles." Again, we need to determine the number of inches apart the cities are on this map.
The ratio of inches to miles is: 3/4 inch = 20 miles.

To find how many inches represent 160 miles on this map, we set up the same proportion as before:

(3/4 inch) / (20 miles) = X inches / (160 miles)

Cross multiplying:
20X = (3/4) * 160
20X = 120
X = 120 / 20
X = 6

Therefore, the two cities are 6 inches apart on the second map.