Formula to multiply the number in cell 4k times standard deviation of the numbers in cell z2 through z10

I don't understand cell z2 through z10
I have never had excel
Please write this correctly

To indicate a range of cells to be included in a formula, you use a colon between the first and last. Example

To add all the numbers in cells c3 through c8, you'd write =sum(c3:c8)

Something similar is going on here, but I have no clue about how to calculate standard deviation for any reason!

Use + to indicate adding two cells.
Use - to indicate subtracting one cell from the other.
Use * to indicate multiplication.
Use / to indicate division.

READ AND STUDY at least the first three of the links in those search results I sent you before.

To multiply the number in cell 4k by the standard deviation of the numbers in cells Z2 through Z10, you can use the following formula:


Here's how to interpret the formula:

- "4k" represents the value in cell 4k. Replace "4k" with the actual cell reference or number you want to multiply.
- "STDEV" is the Excel function that calculates the standard deviation of a range of numbers.
- "Z2:Z10" refers to the range of cells from Z2 to Z10. This means it includes all the numbers in cells Z2, Z3, Z4, Z5, Z6, Z7, Z8, Z9, and Z10.

Make sure to input the formula in the desired cell and replace "4k" with the correct values or cell reference you want to use.