This is for my science fair project conclusion and I was wondering If it's good like that?......To sum up briefly, my hypothesis was correct I predicted that my plant that got the most sun would be the most colorful and my plants that were in the shade everyday and even half of the days well lose its color. The data supports the hypothesis exactly how I predicted it would. I found out that light does affect the pigment of the leaves. What I did wish I could have improved is to have more sun, during my observations the sky was mostly cloudy.

To sum up, my hypothesis was correct. I predicted that the plant that got the most sun would be the most colorful and the plants that were in the shade every day or even half of the days would lose their color. The data supports the hypothesis exactly as I predicted it would. I found out that light does affect the pigment of the leaves. What I wished I could have improved is having more sun. During my observations, the sky was mostly cloudy.

Read and compare carefully. I made several changes.

Thank you so much that looks and sounds better then the one I had (:

You're welcome!

How about now?......To sum up, my hypothesis was correct. I predicted that the plant that got the most sun would be the most colorful and the plants that were in the shade every day or even half of the days would lose their color. The data supports the hypothesis exactly as I predicted it would. I found out that light does affect the pigment of the leaves. What I wished I could have improved is having more sun. During my observations, the sky was mostly cloudy which therefore made it hard to observe. The reason I say that is because Plant C was lighter than Plant A yet plant C it’s leaves kept falling out.

... What I wish I could have improved is having more sun. During my observations, the sky was mostly cloudy which made it hard to observe. The reason I say that is because Plant C was lighter than Plant A, yet plant C’s leaves kept falling out.

It still seems wordy to me. What unnecessary words can you cut out? When you do that, some rephrasing will be necessary.

Your conclusion seems reasonable, but let's break it down and see if it can be improved:

1. Start by restating your hypothesis clearly: "In this science fair project, my hypothesis was that the plant receiving the most sunlight would have the most vibrant color, while the plants in the shade would lose their color."
2. Then, summarize your findings based on the data you collected: "The results of this experiment supported my hypothesis. The plant that received the most sun exhibited the most vibrant color, while the plants in the shade gradually lost their color over time."
3. Explain the significance of your findings: "These findings suggest that the availability of light directly impacts the pigmentation of leaves. Sunlight provides energy for photosynthesis, the process by which plants produce pigments responsible for their colors."
4. Reflect on any limitations or areas for improvement: "During the course of this experiment, I encountered a limitation in terms of the amount of sunlight available. Cloudy weather resulted in less direct sunlight, which could have affected the accuracy of my observations."
5. Suggest potential improvements or future studies: "To further investigate this topic, future studies could consider increasing the amount of sunlight by conducting experiments in a greenhouse or using supplemental artificial light sources. This would provide a more controlled environment, ensuring consistent exposure to light."

By following this structure, you provide a clear and concise summary of your project, discuss the results, explain the importance of your findings, acknowledge any limitations, and suggest potential future research.