To find 6x8 i can use the facts for 5x4 and 1x4. do you agree, if so explain

I don't see how

5x4=20 and 1x4 = 4, so ...?

When I was a kid, they "made me" learn that
6x8 = 48 , and somehow I still know that.

Yes, I agree that you can use the facts for 5x4 and 1x4 to find the product of 6x8. Let me explain how:

First, recall the fact that 5x4 equals 20. This means that if you have 5 groups of 4, you will have a total of 20.

Next, consider the fact that 1x4 equals 4. This means that if you have 1 group of 4, you will have a total of 4.

Now, let's use these facts to find 6x8. You can break down 6 into 5 and 1, and multiply each part separately.

First, multiply 5x8 using the fact that 5x4 equals 20. This gives you 5 groups of 8, which equals 40.

Then, multiply 1x8 using the fact that 1x4 equals 4. This gives you 1 group of 8, which equals 8.

Finally, add the two products together: 40 + 8 = 48.

Therefore, using the facts for 5x4 and 1x4, you can conclude that 6x8 equals 48.