A filament bulb and a resistor are connected in series to a battery. Which of the following will contribute to the load of the circuit?

A. Bulb
B. resistor
C. Bulb and resistor
D. none

I'm thinking the resistor, but I'm unsure. Thanks

C is the correct answer. Both have resistance to current (though the filament's resistance is most likely very small, compared to the resistor). Their combined resistance R1+R2, is the load.

Ohhhhhhhhhh I understand, thank you for the help!

To determine which component will contribute to the load of the circuit, you need to understand the concept of load in an electrical circuit.

Load refers to any device or component in a circuit that consumes power from the source (battery or power supply) and converts it into another form, such as light, heat, or motion. In simple terms, the load determines the amount of power that the circuit must supply.

In this case, both the filament bulb and the resistor are connected in series to the battery. However, it is important to note that the filament bulb is designed to emit light when current flows through it, and the resistor is designed to resist the flow of current in the circuit, thus converting electrical energy into heat.

Therefore, both the bulb and the resistor contribute to the load of the circuit. The bulb converts electrical energy into light energy, while the resistor converts electrical energy into heat energy.

In conclusion, the correct answer is C. Both the bulb and resistor contribute to the load of the circuit.