A warehouse is 120 feet tall and casts a shadow 288 feet long. At the same time, julie casts a shadow 12 feet long. how tall is julie?

Cross Multiply and solve for x


To find the height of Julie, we can set up a proportion using the shadow lengths.

Let's represent the height of Julie as "x".

The proportion can be set up as:

Warehouse height / Warehouse shadow length = Julie's height / Julie's shadow length

Using the given values:

120 feet / 288 feet = x / 12 feet

Now, we can solve for "x" by cross-multiplying and dividing:

288x = 120 * 12

288x = 1440

x = 1440 / 288

x = 5 feet

Therefore, Julie is 5 feet tall.

Cross multiply and solve for x.

120/288 = x/12