I got all of them so far EXCEPT this one... help? Thank you!

Convert the following into scientific notation:


1/137 = 0.0073 = 7.3*10-3

To convert a number into scientific notation, we need to express it in the form of A x 10^B, where A is a number between 1 and 10 (with one decimal place), and B is an integer exponent.

Let's convert 1/137 into scientific notation step by step:

Step 1: Determine the decimal form of the fraction.
To do this, divide 1 by 137: 1 ÷ 137 = 0.00729927007 (carry on calculating as many decimal places as necessary).

Step 2: Identify the position of the first significant digit.
In this case, the first significant digit is not 0, but rather 7, which appears after the decimal point.

Step 3: Count the number of decimal places you moved to the right to get the first significant digit.
In this case, we moved three decimal places to the right to get to the first significant digit (from 0.00729927007 to 0.00729927007).

Step 4: Express the number in the form of A x 10^B.
The A value is the digit 7 (rounded to one decimal place) since it is the first significant digit.
The B value is the number of decimal places we moved to the right, which is 3.

Therefore, 1/137 in scientific notation is approximately 7.0 x 10^-3.

Note: Remember that scientific notation usually requires the A value to be between 1 and 10, so 7 is rounded to one decimal place.