mr.shawn is a pharmacy assistant .he is serving a customer,and assumed that he knew what the cutomer wanted.he lost the sale.this case illustrates that mr.shawn

a.lost interest in the sale
b.failed to determine his customers needs.
c.did not hve adequate product knowledge
d.used the wrong technique in trying to close the sale
my answer is b


To confirm your answer, let's break down the scenario and analyze the options:

Mr. Shawn is a pharmacy assistant who lost a sale while serving a customer because he assumed he knew what the customer wanted. This indicates that there was a failure on Mr. Shawn's part to determine his customer's needs effectively.

Option b. "Failed to determine his customer's needs" aligns with the scenario as described. When serving customers, it is essential to ask relevant questions, actively listen, and understand their requirements to provide the best service and close the sale successfully.

Options a, c, and d may also be relevant in certain scenarios, but they are not specifically mentioned in the provided information. Therefore, they cannot be concluded conclusively based only on the given details.

Hence, your answer choice b. "Failed to determine his customer's needs." seems accurate based on the information provided.