A certain car is about 100in. long and 60 in. wide. You plan to make a model of this car that is 9 in. wide. How long will your model be?

60 inches : 9 inches

= 20:3 , is your ratio or your scale
so just set up a simple proportion

x/100 = 9/60
x = 100(9/60) = 15

it should be 15 inches long

notice: 100/15 = 20/3
and 60/9 = 20/3

can someone plz give all the answers for this

To find out how long the model car will be, we can use proportions.

Let's set up the proportion:

Original Car Length / Original Car Width = Model Car Length / Model Car Width

Since the original car's length is 100 in and its width is 60 in, we can substitute these values into the equation:

100 in / 60 in = Model Car Length / 9 in

Now, we can cross multiply and solve for the model car's length:

(100 in * 9 in) / 60 in = Model Car Length

900 in / 60 in = Model Car Length

Simplifying further:

15 in = Model Car Length

Therefore, your model car will be 15 inches long.

To find the length of the model car, we can set up a proportion comparing the widths of the actual car and the model car.

Let "x" represent the length of the model car.

The proportion can be set up as follows:

(actual car width) / (actual car length) = (model car width) / (model car length)

In this case, the actual car width is 60 inches, the actual car length is 100 inches, and the model car width is 9 inches.

So, the proportion becomes:

60 inches / 100 inches = 9 inches / x

To solve for "x", we can cross-multiply and solve the resulting equation.

60 inches * x = 9 inches * 100 inches

60x = 900

Dividing both sides by 60, we get:

x = 900 / 60

x = 15

Therefore, the length of the model car will be 15 inches.