On a map the scale is 1 cm:50 ft. The distance between the post office and the fountain is 6 cm. What is the actual distance?

50 * 6 = 300ft


To find the actual distance between the post office and the fountain, you can use the given scale of the map. The scale tells us that 1 centimeter on the map represents 50 feet in the actual world.

So, if the distance between the post office and the fountain on the map is 6 centimeters, we can find the actual distance by multiplying this by the scale factor.

Actual Distance = 6 cm * (50 ft / 1 cm)

By canceling out the unit of centimeters, we find:

Actual Distance = 6 * 50 ft

Multiplying these values together, we get:

Actual Distance = 300 ft

Therefore, the actual distance between the post office and the fountain is 300 feet.