Glenda bought z containers of laundry detergent at $9 each.

She gave the cashier $50.

a. Find the change Glenda received in terms of z.

b. If z =� 3, how much change did Glenda receive?


50 - 9z =

50 - (9 * 3) = 23

Very bad so trash

Don't understand

well 50-9times z or = 50-9*z

so that is thhe change: 50-9z
if z=3,
change=50-27=23 dollars

dont know don't understand

To find the change Glenda received, we first need to calculate the total cost of z containers of laundry detergent.

The total cost of z containers can be calculated by multiplying the price per container ($9) by the number of containers (z):

Total cost = $9 * z

a. To calculate the change Glenda received, we subtract the total cost from the amount of money she gave to the cashier.

Change = Amount given - Total cost

In this case, Glenda gave $50 to the cashier, so the change she received can be calculated as:

Change = $50 - Total cost

b. Now, let's consider the specific case where z = 3.

First, we calculate the total cost for 3 containers:

Total cost = $9 * 3 = $27

Then, we calculate the change Glenda received using the formula:

Change = $50 - $27 = $23

So, if z = 3, Glenda received $23 in change.