The Banking e-Teller system allows bank customers to perform ATM transactions from their cell or smart phones. BET will allow customers to check balances, make remote photo capture check deposits, and perform balance transfers to their checking or savings account. It is time to start organizing your solution for this system and to begin development on your design proposal.

Create the following for BET charts (see examples below for another sample problem):
• Problem analysis chart
• Structure chart
• IPO chart
• Coupling diagram
• Data dictionary

To create the charts for the Banking e-Teller (BET) system, we need to take a systematic approach to organize the solution and design proposal. Below is an explanation of each chart and how to create it:

1. Problem Analysis Chart:
The Problem Analysis Chart helps identify the main problems that the BET system aims to solve. It should include the following elements:
- Problem Statement: Clearly define the problem that the BET system is addressing.
- Problem Factors: List out the key factors contributing to the problem.
- Problem Causes: Identify the root causes of the problem.
- Problem Effects: Describe the impact or consequences of the problem.

To create this chart, start by brainstorming the primary problem that the BET system is designed to solve. Then, identify the factors, causes, and effects related to the problem.

2. Structure Chart:
The Structure Chart represents the overall hierarchy and organization of the modules or components of the BET system. It shows the relationships between different modules, their functions, and how they interact with each other.

To create a Structure Chart, follow these steps:
- Identify the main modules or components of the BET system.
- Arrange the modules hierarchically, with the main module at the top and sub-modules beneath.
- Draw lines connecting the modules to represent their relationships and interactions.

3. IPO Chart:
The IPO (Input-Process-Output) Chart outlines the inputs, processes, and outputs of each module or component in the BET system. It helps understand the flow of data and operations within the system.

To create an IPO Chart, follow these steps for each module:
- Identify the inputs required for the module to perform its function.
- Identify the processes or operations performed on the inputs.
- Identify the outputs generated by the module.

4. Coupling Diagram:
The Coupling Diagram represents the degree of interconnection or dependency between different modules or components in the BET system. It helps assess the complexity and potential impact of changes in one module on other modules.

To create a Coupling Diagram:
- Identify the modules or components of the BET system.
- Draw circles or boxes representing each module.
- Draw lines connecting the modules to indicate their dependencies or interactions.
- Annotate the connections to describe their nature or strength (e.g., data flow, control flow).

5. Data Dictionary:
A Data Dictionary provides a comprehensive list of all data elements used in the BET system, including their definitions, data types, length, and constraints. This helps ensure consistency and understanding of data elements across the system.

To create a Data Dictionary:
- List all data elements used in the BET system.
- Provide a clear definition for each data element.
- Identify the data type, length, and any constraints (e.g., range, format).
- Organize the data elements in a tabular format for clarity.

By following these explanations and steps, you can create the Problem Analysis Chart, Structure Chart, IPO Chart, Coupling Diagram, and Data Dictionary for the BET system.