The distance between Miami and Key Largo is 70 miles. If a mile is 5280 ft and an inch is 2.54 cm, Calculate this distance in Kilometers

70 mi x (5,280 ft/1 mi) x (12 in/1ft) x (2.54 cm/1 in)) x (1 km/1E5cm) = ?

Notice how the units cancel from factor to factor.

112.65408 Km

To calculate the distance between Miami and Key Largo in kilometers, we need to convert the distance from miles to kilometers.

1 mile is equal to 1.609344 kilometers.

So, the first step is to convert the distance from miles to feet.

70 miles * 5280 feet/mile = 369,600 feet

Next, we convert feet to centimeters.

369,600 feet * 30.48 cm/ft = 11,290,688 cm

Finally, we convert centimeters to kilometers.

11,290,688 cm * 1 km/100,000 cm = 112.90688 km

Therefore, the distance between Miami and Key Largo is approximately 112.91 kilometers.

To calculate the distance between Miami and Key Largo in kilometers, we need to convert the distance from miles to kilometers.

First, let's convert the distance in miles to feet:
1 mile = 5280 feet

So, the distance between Miami and Key Largo in feet is:
70 miles * 5280 feet/mile = 369,600 feet

Now, let's convert the distance in feet to centimeters:
1 foot = 30.48 centimeters

So, the distance between Miami and Key Largo in centimeters is:
369,600 feet * 30.48 cm/foot = 11,264,608 cm

Finally, let's convert the distance in centimeters to kilometers:
1 kilometer = 100,000 centimeters

To calculate the distance in kilometers, we divide the distance in centimeters by 100,000:
11,264,608 cm / 100,000 cm/km = 112.64608 km

Therefore, the distance between Miami and Key Largo is approximately 112.65 kilometers.