A cylindrical soup can has a radius of 4.1 inches and a height of 2 inches. Find the volume of this can.

a.In terms of pi
b. Also.To the nearest cubic inch

Your text or notes should have the volume of a cylinder

= πr^2 h

you are given the radius and the height, so
V = π(4.1)^2 (2)
= 33.62π
use your calculator to get appr. 106 inches^3

To find the volume of a cylindrical can, we can use the formula:

Volume = π * r^2 * h

π (pi) is a mathematical constant, approximately equal to 3.14159
r is the radius of the can
h is the height of the can

a. In terms of pi:
To find the volume in terms of pi, we simply substitute the given values into the formula:

Volume = π * (4.1)^2 * 2
Volume = π * 16.81 * 2
Volume ≈ 33.62π cubic inches

b. To the nearest cubic inch:
To find the volume to the nearest cubic inch, we need to evaluate the numerical value of the volume:

Volume = 3.14159 * (4.1)^2 * 2
Volume ≈ 106.81262 cubic inches

Rounding off to the nearest whole number, the volume of the can is approximately 107 cubic inches.