each table in a banquet room seats 8 people. The room can seat no more than 360 people. Write and solve an inequality to represent the number of tables in the banquet room

number of tables ---- x

so 8x ≤ 360


x ≤ 45

To determine the number of tables in the banquet room, we need to divide the total number of people by the number of people that each table can seat. Let's represent the number of tables with the variable "x".

Given that each table seats 8 people, the total number of people can be calculated by multiplying the number of tables by 8: 8x.

Since the room can seat no more than 360 people, we can write the inequality:

8x ≤ 360

To solve the inequality and find the value of x (the number of tables), we will divide both sides of the inequality by 8:

8x/8 ≤ 360/8

x ≤ 45

Therefore, the number of tables in the banquet room should be 45 or fewer to accommodate a maximum of 360 people.