At the moment car A is starting from rest and accelerating at 5.0 m/s2, car B passes it moving at a constant speed of 45m/s. How long will it take car A to catch up with car B?

A will pass B when the distances travelled by each are the same, at the same time t.

(a/2) t^2 = V*t

t = 0 or 2 V/a = 18 seconds

Since know one has answered this question, I will give it a try. But hopefully someone checks my work because I am a little tired. For Car A, Vi=0, a=5m/s^2, and t=?. For Car B, Vi=45m/s, Vf=45m/s, a=0, and t=?. Using two of the kinematic equations, 1/2(Vi+Vf)t=d and d=Vi(t)+1/2at^2 plug in the values and set the equations equal to each other and solve for t. 1/2(Vi+Vf)t=Vi(t)+1/2at^2. Hopefully you get 18s if I did it correctly. For the equation on the left substitute the values for Car B into it and the equation on the right substitute the values for Car A into it.

I know one who answered it.

To find out how long it will take car A to catch up with car B, we need to determine the time it takes for car A to reach the same position as car B.

First, let's find out the distance car B travels during the time it takes car A to catch up. We can use the formula:

Distance = Speed × Time

Since car B is moving with a constant speed of 45 m/s, we need to find the time it takes for car A to catch up, denoted as "t". Therefore, the distance car B travels will be:

Distance (B) = Speed (B) × Time (t)
Distance (B) = 45 m/s × t

Next, we need to find the distance car A travels during the same time, t, it takes to catch up. We can use the formula for distance traveled with constant acceleration:

Distance = Initial Velocity × Time + 0.5 × Acceleration × Time^2

Since car A starts from rest (initial velocity = 0), the equation becomes:

Distance (A) = 0 × t + 0.5 × Acceleration (A) × t^2

Given that the acceleration of car A is 5.0 m/s^2:

Distance (A) = 0.5 × 5.0 m/s^2 × t^2
Distance (A) = 2.5 m/s^2 × t^2

Now, we set the distances of car A and car B equal to each other to find the time it takes for car A to catch up:

2.5 m/s^2 × t^2 = 45 m/s × t

To solve this equation for t, we can simplify it by dividing both sides by t:

2.5 m/s^2 × t = 45 m/s

Next, divide both sides by 2.5 m/s^2:

t = 45 m/s / 2.5 m/s^2

Finally, we can calculate the time:

t = 18 seconds

Therefore, it will take car A 18 seconds to catch up with car B.