express 16^21/2^7 - 5^12 in simplest fotm

16^21 = (2^4)^21 = 2^84

2^84/2^7 = 2^77

2^77 - 5^12

Hmmm. Don't see how to simplify that much.

Value is 151115727451828402697647

To express (16^21)/(2^7) - 5^12 in simplest form, we need to simplify each term separately and then subtract them. Let's break it down step by step:

Step 1: Simplify the first term
To simplify (16^21)/(2^7), we can use exponent rules. The numerator (16^21) can be simplified as (2^4)^21. Applying the exponent rule, we can rewrite it as 2^(4*21).

So, the first term becomes 2^(4*21)/(2^7). Using another exponent rule, we can subtract the exponents in the denominator from those in the numerator, which gives us 2^(84-7).

Step 2: Simplify the second term
The second term is 5^12. Since there is no common base, we leave it as it is.

Step 3: Subtract the two terms
Now we can subtract the two terms: 2^(84-7) - 5^12.

Simplifying the exponent in the first term, we get 2^77.

Therefore, the expression simplifies to: 2^77 - 5^12.