nathan drove 262 miles in 5 hours at a canstant speed. how long would it take him to drive 377.28 miles at the same speed

To find out how long it would take Nathan to drive 377.28 miles at the same speed, we can use the formula:

time = distance / speed

In this case, let's calculate the speed first. We know that Nathan drove 262 miles in 5 hours at a constant speed. Therefore, his speed can be calculated as:

speed = distance / time

Substituting the values, we get:

speed = 262 miles / 5 hours
speed = 52.4 miles per hour

Now we can calculate the time it would take Nathan to drive 377.28 miles using the speed we just calculated:

time = distance / speed
time = 377.28 miles / 52.4 miles per hour

Calculating this, we find:

time ≈ 7.2 hours

So, it would take Nathan approximately 7.2 hours to drive 377.28 miles at the same speed.

To find out how long it would take Nathan to drive 377.28 miles at the same constant speed, we can use the formula:

time = distance / speed

In this case, we already have the distance (377.28 miles) and the speed is constant. Let's calculate the time it would take:

time = 377.28 miles / speed

To find the speed, we can use the information given in the question. Nathan drove 262 miles in 5 hours. We can calculate the speed:

speed = distance / time

speed = 262 miles / 5 hours

speed = 52.4 miles per hour

Now, we can substitute the speed into the time formula:

time = 377.28 miles / 52.4 miles per hour

time ≈ 7.2 hours

Therefore, it would take Nathan approximately 7.2 hours to drive 377.28 miles at the same constant speed.

262/5 = 52.4 mph

377.28 / 52.4 = ______ hours

I don't no