what is the setting for Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarf?

First in a castle

Later in a little house in the woods

What else can you think of?

didn't she stay in with the Queen in the beginning?

in the castle, yes

The setting for Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is a fairy tale kingdom in a remote and enchanting forest. The story takes place in a castle where Snow White lives with her wicked stepmother, the Evil Queen. However, if you want to confirm or explore more about the setting, you can try the following steps:

1. Search Online: Look for reliable sources such as official Disney websites, IMDb (Internet Movie Database), or trusted fan sites dedicated to Disney movies. These sources usually provide detailed information about the setting and other aspects of the film.

2. Watch the Movie: If you have access to the film or a streaming platform that offers Disney movies, you can watch Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. By watching the movie, you will experience the setting firsthand and gain more insight into the atmosphere created by the animators and storytellers.

3. Read the Original Story: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is based on the fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm. If you're interested in the original story, you can find various collections of fairy tales or search for versions online. The original tale may differ slightly from Disney's interpretation, but it can still provide valuable information about the setting.

Remember, exploring different sources and perspectives can enhance your understanding and appreciation of the setting in Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.