would you eat more if you ate 1/3 of a small pizza or 1/3 of a medium pizza


Youd eat more with a medium pizza.


saya bodoh

To determine whether you would eat more by consuming 1/3 of a small pizza or 1/3 of a medium pizza, we need to compare the relative sizes of the two pizzas.

To find the answer, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Determine the sizes of the small and medium pizzas
- Find out the diameter or radius of the small and medium pizzas. Let's say the small pizza has a diameter of 10 inches, and the medium pizza has a diameter of 12 inches.

Step 2: Calculate the areas of the small and medium pizzas
- Use the formula A = πr² to calculate the areas of the two pizzas.
- The radius of the small pizza is 10/2 = 5 inches.
- The area of the small pizza is A = π * 5² = 25π square inches.
- The radius of the medium pizza is 12/2 = 6 inches.
- The area of the medium pizza is A = π * 6² = 36π square inches.

Step 3: Calculate the amount of pizza in 1/3 of each pizza
- Divide the area of each pizza by 3 to get the amount of pizza in 1/3 of each pizza.
- For the small pizza, 1/3 of the area is (25π) / 3 ≈ 8.33π square inches.
- For the medium pizza, 1/3 of the area is (36π) / 3 = 12π square inches.

Step 4: Compare the amounts of pizza in 1/3 of each pizza
- Since π is a constant, we can disregard it when comparing the two amounts.
- Therefore, 1/3 of a small pizza is approximately 8.33 square inches, while 1/3 of a medium pizza is 12 square inches.

Based on the calculations, 1/3 of a medium pizza (12 square inches) is more than 1/3 of a small pizza (approximately 8.33 square inches). Therefore, you would eat more if you consumed 1/3 of a medium pizza as compared to 1/3 of a small pizza.