I have these math problems form 0-100. I have to use 4 fours to make an answer for that number. For Example:

1 : 4/4+4-4
2: 4/4+4/4

What other symbols are there besides +, -, *, /, and square root.

In addition to the basic arithmetic operations (+, -, *, /) and square root, there are several other mathematical symbols and operations you can use to solve the problem of using four fours to make an answer for each number from 0 to 100.

1. Exponents: You can use the exponent operator (^) to raise a number to a specific power. For example, 4^2 means 4 raised to the power of 2, which is equal to 16.

2. Factorial: The factorial (!) is represented by an exclamation mark and is used to calculate the product of a number and all positive integers below it. For example, 4! is equal to 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 = 24.

3. Parentheses: You can use parentheses to group operations and control the order of calculations. For example, (4 + 4) / 4 is different from 4 + (4 / 4). The former equals 2, while the latter equals 5.

4. Concatenation: Concatenation is a way to combine numbers or digits. For example, you can combine two 4s to form the number 44 by using 4 * 10 + 4.

5. Decimal point: You can use a decimal point to represent fractions or decimal numbers. For example, 4.4 represents the number 4 and 4/10, while 0.4 represents the fraction 4/10.

By using these additional symbols and operations, you can create various combinations to represent different numbers using four fours. It's a fun exercise to explore the different possibilities and see how creative you can get with math!