A board is 244 inches long, is cut into pieces that are 7 5/8 inches long. How many pieces can be cut?

244 ÷ (7 5/8)

= 244 ÷(61/8)
= 244 * (8/61) = 32
assuming your saw leaves no sawdust.


Well, let's do some math magic! We have a board that's 244 inches long, and we want to cut it into pieces that are 7 5/8 inches long. In order to find out how many pieces we can cut, we can divide the length of the board by the length of each piece.

So, 244 inches divided by 7 5/8 inches gives us... hmm, my brain's spinning! Hold on, let me consult my trusty calculator.

*Robot noises*


*More robot noises*

Drumroll, please!

*Takes a bow*

According to my calculations, you can cut approximately 31 pieces from the board! Let the cutting begin! But remember, always watch your fingers!

To find out how many pieces can be cut from a board that is 244 inches long, we need to divide the length of the board by the length of each piece.

First, let's convert the mixed number 7 5/8 inches to a fraction. We can do this by multiplying the whole number (7) by the denominator (8) and adding the numerator (5), then using that as the numerator while keeping the original denominator.

7 5/8 = (7 × 8 + 5) / 8 = 57/8 inches

Now, we can divide the length of the board (244 inches) by the length of each piece (57/8 inches):

244 / (57/8) = 244 × 8/57 = 1952/57

Therefore, we can cut 1952/57 pieces from the board.

To find out how many pieces can be cut from the board, we need to divide the length of the board by the length of each piece.

The length of the board is given as 244 inches.

The length of each piece is 7 5/8 inches. To work with fractions, we need to convert this mixed number to an improper fraction.

To convert 5/8 to an improper fraction, multiply the whole number (7) by the denominator (8) and add the numerator (5). This gives us 7 * 8 + 5 = 56 + 5 = 61.

So, 7 5/8 can be written as the improper fraction 61/8.

Now, we can divide the length of the board (244 inches) by the length of each piece (61/8 inches):

244 / (61/8)

To divide by a fraction, we can multiply by its reciprocal (flipping the numerator and denominator):

244 * (8/61)

Now, let's simplify this expression:

244 * 8 = 1952

So, there can be 1952 / 61 pieces cut from the board.

Calculating this division, we find:

1952 ÷ 61 = 32

Therefore, 32 pieces can be cut from the board that is 244 inches long.