Explain it How can you use a pattern to find the product of 5x12?

To use a pattern to find the product of 5x12, you can take advantage of the properties of multiplication. One pattern that can be helpful is the distributive property, which states that a x (b + c) is equal to a x b + a x c.

First, let's break down 5x12 into two smaller multiplications: 5x10 and 5x2. This is because 12 can be written as 10 + 2.

Now, let's calculate each of the smaller multiplications:
5x10 = 50
5x2 = 10

Next, we add the results together: 50 + 10 = 60.

So, the product of 5x12 is 60. By recognizing and utilizing the distributive property, we can break down the multiplication into simpler parts and calculate the product efficiently.