
The primary cause of crustal movement is_________
a.) conduction
b.) convection
c.) magnetism
d.) radiation
please help have no idea

B. convection


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To determine the answer to this question, let's analyze each option:

a.) Conduction: Conduction refers to the transfer of heat through direct contact between objects or substances. While heat flow can affect the Earth's crust, it is not the primary cause of crustal movement.

b.) Convection: Convection involves the transfer of heat through the movement of fluids or gases. This option is more relevant to the question since it pertains to how crustal movement occurs. Convection currents in the Earth's mantle drive the movement of tectonic plates, which make up the Earth's crust. Therefore, convection is a significant contributor to crustal movement.

c.) Magnetism: Although magnetism plays a role in various natural phenomena, it is not the primary cause of crustal movement.

d.) Radiation: Radiation involves the emission of energy through waves or particles. While radiation can influence some geological processes, it is not the primary cause of crustal movement.

Considering the above analysis, the correct answer to the question "The primary cause of crustal movement is _________" is b.) convection.