If x=5y+2-3(y+2),what is the value of y in terms of x ?

what's the trouble? You've posted several of these problems now. Do you get stuck? If so, where? If you just want your solution confirmed, why not show us what you got?

I don't know how to do that, steve

my children doesn't know how to do that, i don't know how to teach him

I want to know how the way to do that, then i can teach my children

just remember that whatever you do to one side of the equation, if you do the same thing to the other side, the equation remains true. You want to get the y all alone.

Starting with
expand 3(y+2) to get rid of the parentheses
x = 5y + 2 - (3y+6)
x = 5y + 2 - 3y - 6
Now you can add the numbers to get
x = 5y - 3y - 4
add 4 to both sides:
x+4 = 5y-3y
combine the y terms:
x+4 = 2y
now divide by 2 to get
(x+4)/2 = y
y = x/2 + 2

Take a look at the other problems I solved, and you will see that I did the same sequence of operations in each one, working to isolate the y's on one side.

thank you, steve