rewrite the addition sum given below using digits. Each letter is used for a different digit. Answer the questions given below

i) Which digit did you find first?
ii) How did you find R and U?
nOTE: fullstops are put so that the numbers don't get jumbled up

To rewrite the addition sum using digits, let's assign a different digit to each letter. We'll start by finding the value of the variables in the equation given:

i) Which digit did you find first?
To find the first digit, we observe that the sum starts with "F.O.U.R." We can deduce that the digit for 'F' must be 4 since it's the only digit given in the sum.

ii) How did you find R and U?
To find the digits for 'R' and 'U', we need to consider the column that they appear in. We can notice that 'R' and 'U' appear in the hundred's place. Since the only column with a carryover is the hundred's place, we need to find the digit in that column that, when added with 4 (from 'F') produces a digit in the ones place. From the equation, we know the sum should be 'E.L.E.V.E.N', so when we subtract 4 from 11, we get 7. Therefore, 'R' is 7 and 'U' is 1.

Now that we have found the values for 'F', 'R', and 'U', let's rewrite the addition sum using digits:


So, the rewritten addition sum is:


We found 'F' as 4, 'R' as 7, and 'U' as 1.