(b) Calculate the absorption edge of this material. Express your answer as a wavenumber in units of inverse meters.

What material?

50 g Si doped with 27g Sb

Here is the full question:

(a) Silicon (50 g) has been doped with 27 mg of antimony (Sb). Determine the concentration of free charge carriers (carriers/cm3) at room temperature in this material.
Answer for a=6.22*10^18
(b) Calculate the absorption edge of this material. Express your answer as a wavenumber in units of inverse meters.

a) 6.22*10^18

b)wavenumber= Eg / hc

Eg(Silicon band energy)= 1.11 eV (to joules)

wavenumber= Eg*1.6*10^-19 / hc = 896969.69


To calculate the absorption edge of a material, you need to know its absorption spectrum or bandgap energy. The absorption edge represents the wavelength or energy at which the material starts absorbing light.

Here's how you can calculate the absorption edge as a wavenumber in inverse meters:

1. Start by converting the absorption edge from energy (eV) to wavelength (nm). The relationship between energy (E) and wavelength (λ) is given by the equation: E = hc/λ, where h is the Planck constant (6.626 x 10^-34 J·s) and c is the speed of light (2.998 x 10^8 m/s).

2. Convert the wavelength from nm to meters by dividing it by 10^9.

3. Calculate the wavenumber, which represents the number of waves per unit length. Wavenumber (ν) is given by the equation: ν = 1/λ.

4. Finally, express the wavenumber in units of inverse meters (m^-1).

Now, if you have the absorption spectrum or bandgap energy of the material, you can substitute it into the equations above to calculate the absorption edge as a wavenumber in inverse meters.