mass of evaporating dish 22.34

mass of evaporating dish +hydrate 24.64
mass of evaporating dish +anhydrous salt 23.85
1.determine the mass of the water lost
2.determine the number of moles of the water lost

24.64g = dish + hydrate

22.34g = dish
2.30g = mass hydrate

24.64g = dish + hydrate
23.85g = dish + anhydrous
0.79g = mass H2O lost

mols = grams/molar mass

To determine the mass of water lost and the number of moles of water lost in the reaction, you need to find the difference in mass between the evaporating dish and the hydrate, and then calculate the molar mass of water.

1. Determine the mass of water lost:
- Start by finding the mass of the hydrate: Mass of evaporating dish + hydrate = 24.64 g
- Next, find the mass of the evaporating dish: Mass of evaporating dish = 22.34 g
- Finally, subtract the mass of the evaporating dish from the mass of the hydrate to obtain the mass of water lost: Mass of water lost = 24.64 g - 22.34 g = 2.3 g

Therefore, the mass of water lost during the reaction is 2.3 grams.

2. Determine the number of moles of water lost:
- First, calculate the molar mass of water (H2O). The molar mass of hydrogen (H) is approximately 1 g/mol, and the molar mass of oxygen (O) is approximately 16 g/mol. Therefore, the molar mass of water is: 2(1 g/mol) + 16 g/mol = 18 g/mol.
- Next, use the molar mass of water to convert the mass of water lost to moles: Number of moles of water lost = Mass of water lost / Molar mass of water = 2.3 g / 18 g/mol ≈ 0.128 mol

Hence, the number of moles of water lost during the reaction is approximately 0.128 mol.