The energy versus bond length for the average bond in two solids, A and B, is shown below. Atoms in the two solids have the same number of nearest neighbots.

(a) Which solid has the largest cohesive energy?

A or B

(b) Which solid has the smallest bond energy?

A or B

(c) Which solid has the largest thermal expansion coefficient?

A or B

(d) Which solid has the largest modulus?

A or B

(e) Which solid has the smallest average bond length?

A or B



Thanx mate!

To determine the answers to these questions, we need to analyze the given energy versus bond length graph for solids A and B.

(a) To find the solid with the largest cohesive energy, we look for the point on the graph where the energy is highest. This indicates a stronger bond and therefore a higher cohesive energy. Compare the energy levels at the corresponding bond lengths for solids A and B. The solid with the higher energy corresponds to the one with the largest cohesive energy.

(b) To determine which solid has the smallest bond energy, we need to find the point on the graph where the energy is lowest. This represents a weaker bond and thus a smaller bond energy. Compare the energy levels at the corresponding bond lengths for solids A and B. The solid with the lower energy corresponds to the one with the smallest bond energy.

(c) To identify the solid with the largest thermal expansion coefficient, we look for the steepest slope on the graph. The steeper the slope, the larger the change in energy with respect to bond length, indicating a higher thermal expansion coefficient. Compare the slopes of the energy versus bond length curves for solids A and B. The solid with the steeper slope corresponds to the one with the largest thermal expansion coefficient.

(d) To determine which solid has the largest modulus, we need to analyze the curvature of the graph. A larger modulus corresponds to a stiffer material, meaning that it requires a larger force to change the bond length. Look for the graph with a steeper curvature in the energy versus bond length relationship. The solid with the greater curvature corresponds to the one with the largest modulus.

(e) To find the solid with the smallest average bond length, look for the point on the graph where the bond length is lowest. Compare the bond lengths at the corresponding energy levels for solids A and B. The solid with the shorter bond length corresponds to the one with the smallest average bond length.

By analyzing the graph and comparing the corresponding values for solids A and B, you can determine the answers to each question.